What is it?
Shingles originate from the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the same culprit that triggers chickenpox. This virus can resurface years after a person has recovered from chickenpox. Shingles can result in discomfort, itchiness or a tingling sensation in the affected area(s) where the rash breaks out - predominantly on the left or right flanks of the body. In certain instances, symptoms like fever, headache and chills may precede the emergence of the rash.
It's critical to understand that the virus can be actively transmitted while blisters are present. If an individual hasn't experienced chickenpox or hasn't been vaccinated, they may contract chickenpox from a person with shingles.
How is it treated?
While there is no recognized cure for shingles, our team of board-certified dermatologists can effectively manage the condition using prescription antiviral medications.The medications can expedite your recovery and diminish your chances of developing complications. If you're experiencing a blistering rash, starting prescription treatment within two to three days of the rash's onset can significantly alleviate your symptoms, shorten the duration of the outbreak, and reduce your likelihood of encountering further health issues.
We encourage you to seek help if your rash has persisted for more than three days to prevent any further complications. We acknowledge the distress this condition may cause, and we're dedicated to helping you at our office locations in Dublin,
Columbus, Canal Winchester, Urbana, Circleville, Washington Courthouse, Grove
City and Marysville, Ohio, so you can regain your normal daily routine.