What is it?
Seborrheic dermatitis results in inflamed skin displaying scaly patches, often visible on the scalp. The condition can present itself as a pink, purple or lighter-colored rash that seems elevated compared to the surrounding skin. It can also lead to persistent dandruff. While it may be bothersome, it is not infectious and does not lead to long-term hair loss. Seborrheic dermatitis can also impact oily parts of the body, including the face, nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest. The indications and symptoms of this condition often intensify with stress, tiredness or seasonal shifts. In babies, this condition is commonly referred to as cradle cap.
How is it treated?
Although there is no definitive cure for seborrheic dermatitis, our team of board-certified dermatologists can accurately identify and manage your condition effectively using medicated shampoos. These can help to mitigate symptoms such as itching, and considerably reduce or even completely remove the rash. We can also administer prescription-strength corticosteroid cream, foam, ointment, or oil to the scalp or affected areas.
It is strongly advised to seek treatment for seborrheic dermatitis promptly to prevent the scaling from becoming more severe or risking an infection. Schedule a consultation to receive a diagnosis and begin treatment. Our conveniently located offices in Dublin, Columbus, Canal Winchester, Urbana, Circleville, Washington Courthouse, Grove City, and Marysville, Ohio, are staffed with dermatologists who specialize in treating seborrheic dermatitis.