Mole Removal & Skin Cancer Screening | DOCS Dermatology
Dermatologists of Greater Columbus
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Andrew Baker, PA-C
Nicholas A. Benner, DO
Erin Blevins, PA-C
Matthew Ferry, DO
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Mary Jo Kendrick, MD
C. Ryan Kirkland, MD
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Medical Services
We have a wide range of services designed to address your specific skincare needs.
Conditions Acne
Actinic Keratosis
Angiomas and Hemangiomas
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Hair Loss & Alopecia
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
Skin Cancer
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
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Treatments & Procedures Biologics & Topical Medications
Excisions & Biopsies
Full Body Exam
Mohs Surgery
Mole Removal
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
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Cosmetic Services
Our cosmetic services are tailored to remedy your skincare needs.
Conditions Acne
Brown Spots and Discoloration
Crows Feet
Enlarged Pores
Lines and Wrinkles
Skin Pigmentation
Spider Veins
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Treatments & Procedures Botox® & Dysport®
CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing
Facial Fillers
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Therapy
Scar Treatments
Tattoo Removal
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Dermatologists of Greater Columbus
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Mole Removal

A removal procedure where a mole is shaved or cut to permanently remove it from the skin.

What is it?

Mole removal is a procedure to eliminate moles, which are clusters of pigmented cells that appear as dark spots on the skin. Moles can range in shade from your natural skin color to pink, brown, and black. They commonly emerge during puberty and teen years and can be either flat or raised on the skin's surface.

The removal process involves various techniques such as excision, shaving, or laser removal, depending on the size, type, and location of the mole. It is often performed for cosmetic reasons or to prevent potential health risks associated with irregular or suspicious moles. Following mole removal, the area may require stitches and typically heals within a few weeks, leaving minimal scarring. Regular monitoring and proper sun protection are recommended to maintain skin health post-removal.

If you notice anything suspicious or simply wish to have a mole removed for cosmetic purposes, don't hesitate to book an appointment at one of our offices in Dublin, Columbus, Canal Winchester, Urbana, Circleville, Washington Courthouse, Grove City, or Marysville, Ohio.

What to expect

Mole removal is swift and performed on an outpatient basis. You'll be able to drive yourself home post-procedure and resume your regular routine. In terms of mole removal, it's crucial to steer clear of DIY treatments as they can potentially result in damage. It's always best to seek professional help from a certified dermatologist at our medical practice.

During your treatment we'll start by sanitizing the area that needs mole removal and then numb it using either a topical anesthetic or an injection. There are two mole-removal methods: surgical excision (where a scalpel is used to cut out the mole) and shave excision (where a single or double-edged razor is used to shave the mole off the skin). Our board-certified dermatologists will discuss with you the best strategy. 

Post mole removal, the area will be treated and dressed properly. We'll provide you with detailed instructions for wound care at home, which typically involves keeping it clean and covered. The healing process from the mole removal procedure may take up to three weeks. 

We would love to get started on a solution that perfectly fits your needs.